Posts participating in the Legion’s Flag Rewards program in 2015 earned up to $1,900 in Emblem Sales credit.
For the fifth consecutive year, American Legion Post 42 in Akeny, Iowa, is the Legion’s Flag Rewards program No. 1 earner – earning $1,900 in Emblem Sales credit in 2015 to spend in 2016. Another 749 posts are also reaping hundreds of dollars in Flag Rewards credit.
Posts participating in the program receive a 10-cent credit for each dollar spent on the purchase of American flags from Emblem Sales. Purchases include those made by the post, as well as by the post’s members, friends, neighbors, local schools and businesses that choose to sponsor the post by buying their flags from The American Legion.
Post 42’s 180 customers, which have helped the post earn a total of $6,000 in credit since the start of the program in 2010, were established by World War II veteran and post member Gerald Ballard. At age 95, Ballard decided it was time to relinquish his role as flag officer and did so early last year to former post commander Dennis Pingel.
Pingel calls on the customers once a year, each one purchasing at least two flags, sometimes three "as the wind never seems to stop blowing in Iowa," he said. One of the customers, a convenience store chain, purchases up to 30 flags every two months.
"There wasn’t a business Gerald wouldn’t stop at if he saw a (U.S.) flag flying," Pingel said. "If a potential customer would not buy from him, he would ask ‘Why is it that you won’t support veterans?’ Needless to say, he would wind up selling to that customer."
Credit earned from participating in the Flag Rewards program is good toward the purchase of any item from the Emblem Sales catalog or website. For Post 77 in Lexington, Tenn., the $700 it earned in credit will go toward the purchase of Legion shirts and hats, honor guard patches and more flags.
Post 77’s success with the Flag Rewards program is due to its "Field of Flags" display. Community members dedicate a U.S. flag in honor of a veteran, which is flown on Veterans Day in an area of town highly visible by locals and visitors. Last year, the post displayed 300 flags.
"The Field of Flags has become a big deal in our community," said Post 77 Adjutant Lanny Culver. "We don’t go door to door selling flags; it’s all through this event."
Post 331 in Brownsburg, Ind., earned $300 in credit and will spend it on the purchase of Legion apparel and stick flags for the post chaplain to deliver to veterans in nursing homes. The post earns most of its Flag Rewards credit from its two biggest customers – the local school corporation and city. "I emphasized the quality of flags we provide, and how I can have the flags shipped right to them; we just invoice them," said Doug Ogle, Post 331 adjutant. The post also keeps at least 10 flags of various sizes on hand for community members to purchase when they retire their unserviceable flags at the post.
Benefits from the Flag Rewards program do not stop at the financial level. The program is designed to increase visibility of The American Legion in communities and to make the Legion the primary source for communities to purchase their American flags. Posts are encouraged to spread the message that an American flag purchased from The American Legion will give a direct financial benefit to the local post and help local veterans serve their community.
To get started in the Flag Rewards program, post adjutants can register their post by calling Emblem Sales at (888) 453-4466 or go online here.
Once registered, posts are encouraged to organize a Flag Rewards committee that has a designated flag officer and includes Sons of The American Legion and Auxiliary members. The committee should focus on strategizing how to identify and obtain potential flag customers within the community and how Flag Rewards credit will be used.
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