OCW provided $225,000 in grants last year; there are 100,000 Legion Riders; and more.
National Flight Academy: From July 3-8, the National Flight Academy (NFA) in Pensacola, Fla., is hosting an American Legion Week. NFA has helped thousands of seventh- through 12th-graders learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) principles while developing an interest in aviation. The 144 students attending the development program will spend six days in a multi-story, 102,000-square-foot facility. They will learn from military instructors, eat in a mess hall, sleep in staterooms and experience the constant rumble of the ship's engine and aircraft taking off and landing.
Visit www.nationalflightacademy.com/legion/ to see how Legion members and posts can participate.
Operation Comfort Warriors: In 2015, OCW provided $225,000 in grants to assist wounded veterans in their rehabilitation. www.legion.org/ocw
Legion Riders: There are 1,800 American Legion Rider chapters across the country and 100,000 Riders. Locate a Riders chapter in your area at www.legion.org/riders.
The Oak Ridge Boys: If you missed the airing of "The American Legion Christmas Special" with The Oak Ridge Boys and other performers, CDs of the performance can be purchased for $14.99 plus shipping and handling at www.legionchristmasdvd.com.
- Dispatch