Prepare for National Poppy Day on May 25.
National Poppy Day. May 25 is National Poppy Day when a red poppy is worn to honor the fallen and to show support for all veterans and their service. The American Legion’s website, www.legion.org/poppyday, offers multiple ways the American Legion Family can expand awareness locally and regionally. Included on the site are media tools, message points, sample proclamations for elected officials and access to the Emblem Sales “Poppy Shop,” which offers an assortment of affordable items including the National Poppy Day pin, kits for making lapel poppies for distribution, fundraising containers, charms, scarves and more.
Child Welfare Foundation. Since 1955, more than $13 million in American Legion Child Welfare Foundation (CWF) grants have been awarded to support America’s youth. CWF accepts funding proposals from nonprofit organizations for projects that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children. A CWF grant application is available at www.cwf-inc.org. Applications will be accepted starting May 1 and must be postmarked to American Legion National Headquarters no later than July 15.
The Wall That Heals. Several American Legion posts are hosting The Wall That Heals – a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The Wall honors the more than 3 million Americans who served in the Vietnam War and bears the names of the more than 58,000 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. See a tour schedule at www.vvmf.org/2018-twth-tour.
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