Assistance is available through The American Legion Family Support Network.
Members of Perry A. Johns Post 6 in Corinth, Miss., provided breakfast to local Company D, 138th Support Battalion and their family members on March 24, prior to the company’s 12-month deployment. The Legion Riders chapter provided an escort as the buses pulled away from the National Guard armory en route to Fort Bliss where the company will spend three months in training before heading to the Middle East for nine months in support of Operation Spartan Shield.
“I think it helps (the Guardsmen) to know that there are people at home who care,” said Tommy Watson, Post 6 commander and Legion Rider. “All of these (Guardsmen) know that we’re here and we’ll be thinking about them when they’re gone. And we got a whole roster of folks who have volunteered to help the families while the soldiers are gone – stuff like mowing their yards and doing minor repairs around the house.”
There’s an increase in military deployments across the country and it’s important for servicemembers to know that The American Legion is there to provide immediate assistance to their families. This assistance is available through The American Legion Family Support Network. Those in need of support can request assistance by contacting The American Legion’s toll-free number at (800) 504-4098 or by visiting www.legion.org/familysupport.
The Family Support Network only works if Legionnaires at the post level respond to the increasing needs of servicemembers and their families when deployments occur. These needs range from routine household chores like mowing the lawn to grocery shopping. During these deployments, American Legion posts may also see an increase in requests for Temporary Financial Assistance. For information, visit www.legion.org/tfa.
The American Legion National Headquarters is currently notifying Legion departments when deployments are underway in their area and to be aware of the potential impact these new deployments may have in their communities.
- Dispatch