August 06, 2018

House Committee on Veterans' Affairs approves 10 bills

By Paul Dillard, National Legislative Commission chairman

Technology Modernization has oversight and investigative jurisdiction over the Department of Veterans Affairs enterprise technology modernization programs and projects.

On July 12, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs announced the creation of a new subcommittee: Technology Modernization. This new subcommittee has oversight and investigative jurisdiction over the Department of Veterans Affairs enterprise technology modernization programs and projects, including the Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program. Its chairman is Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., with Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Pa., as ranking member.

The full committee approved a number of bills affecting VA health care. The bills include:

H.R. 2409: Allow servicemembers to terminate their cable, satellite television, or Internet accounts while deployed.
H.R. 2787: The Veterans-Specific Education for Tomorrow’s Medical Doctors (VET MD) Act would create a three-year pilot program in at least five VA medical centers to provide undergraduate students a clinical observation experience.
H.R. 5538: Concerns VA educational benefits and accounting for service.
H.R. 5649: Retired Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer William “Bill” Mulder Transition Improvement Act of 2018 would improve the transition assistance program by the VA.
H.R. 5693: Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act creates a three-year pilot program allowing veterans to choose to transfer from a nursing home to a medical foster home.
H.R. 5864: VA Hospitals Establishing Leadership Performance (VA HELP) Act would authorize VA to establish qualifications for human resources positions within the Veterans Health Administration. The bill passed the House on July 25 by a recorded vote of 417-0.
H.R. 5882: Gold Star Spouses Leasing Relief Act would allow a spouse to terminate a lease under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act when the military spouse dies while on duty.
H.R. 5938: Veterans Serving Veterans Act of 2018 would create a database of VA vacancies to help servicemembers find a job in the VA upon separating from the military.
H.R. 5974: VA Creation of On-Site Treatment Systems Affording Veterans Improvements and Numerous General Safety Enhancements (VA COST SAVINGS) Act would require VA to use on-site regulated medical waste treatment systems. 
H.R. 6066: Would amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the productivity of the management of VA Affairs health care, and for other purposes.

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