February 02, 2018

A strong membership for continued service

By Denise H. Rohan, National Commander

The American Legion has online resources available for the American Legion Family to use.

As an American Legion member, you will always be reminded that membership is the lifeblood of this organization. Because without strong membership numbers, our voice on Capitol Hill will not be heard. Our premiere youth programs, such as Boys Nation and Legion Baseball, will not put forth America’s future leaders. Our financial support to those who need us, veterans and their families, will be diminished.

Asking someone to join may be one of the hardest things we do.  So to support your recruiting and retention efforts, The American Legion has online resources available for the American Legion Family to use. I want to share a few:

The American Legion Magazine. Every American Legion post within the United States is currently receiving three complimentary issues of The American Legion Magazine every month. Post members can use the free magazine copies as a recruiting tool by showing potential new members one of the many benefits of Legion membership. They too can be left at the local VA hospital, veteran nursing homes, airport military lounges, dentist and doctors’ offices, and other areas that veterans frequent.

Recruiting tools. There are membership recruiting items such as door hangers, flyers, videos, presentations and more available for download at www.legion.org/membership/tools.

Vimeo channel. The American Legion has an abundance of promotional videos and public service announcements (PSAs) that help tell the Legion’s story, as well as aid in membership recruiting, fundraising efforts, support for programs and events, and more. And it’s all easily accessible on The American Legion’s Vimeo channel at https://vimeo.com/americanlegion. The PSAs and videos housed on the Legion’s Vimeo channel can easily be shared via mobile devices or downloaded onto a computer hard drive and shared without the need for Internet connection.

Through a strong membership, we can continue leading The American Legion into its second century and continue to serve and protect all veterans, servicemembers and their families.

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