Legion Baseball registration open; NEF deadlines extended.
NEF deadline extended for hurricane victims
More than 100 National Emergency Fund (NEF) grants have been distributed to American Legion members, posts and Sons of The American Legion members following the series of devastating hurricanes last fall. Individuals can receive grants up to $3,000, while Legion posts can receive up to $10,000.
Due to the severe damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, the deadline for applying for grants has been extended to Feb. 1. To apply for a grant, please visit www.legion.org/nef.
2018 Legion Baseball registration
Team registration for the 2018 American Legion Baseball season is now underway. Register online at www.baseball.legion.org.
Post Honor Ribbon certification forms due Jan. 31
Honor ribbons are awarded to posts whose membership for the current membership year (as of Dec. 31) achieves an advance membership (for the year about to begin) equal to or greater than the final membership for the year ending. Certification forms must be submitted to the National Headquarters Membership Division by Jan. 31.
Download the form online at www.legion.org/membership/awards.
- Dispatch