Legion newsletter surpasses 1 million subscribers; Legion website wins Bronze Award.
ALOU. The American Legion’s weekly Online Update e-newsletter surged past the 1 million subscriber mark to 1,018,701. The free newsletter, which is delivered to email inboxes every Thursday, contains links to timely stories, videos, resources and other American Legion website content generated by staff members.
The Online Update launched in March 2008 with fewer than 90,000 subscribers at the time. Subscribe at www.legion.org/newsletters.
Legion.org. The American Legion’s website (www.legion.org) won the Bronze Award for Website Editorial Excellence in the Association of Media and Publishing’s annual Excel Award contest for association publishers.
CWF. The website for the American Legion’s Child Welfare Foundation has been updated to meet the needs of grant applicants and donations.
Legion Centennial. The American Legion sends out the Centennial Celebration e-newsletter to an audience of over 610,000 subscribers. Each edition includes stories on events, initiatives and individual stories of how posts, departments and the national organization are preparing for the kickoff of the 15-month observance of the Legion’s 100th anniversary. Subscribe at www.legion.org/newsletters.
- Dispatch