June 10, 2018

Department adjutants: submit convention assistant sergeants-at-arms recommendations

By Daniel Wheeler, National Adjutant
Department adjutants: submit convention assistant sergeants-at-arms recommendations
Department adjutants: submit convention assistant sergeants-at-arms recommendations

The recommendations for national convention must be submitted to National Headquarters by July 1.

For the 100th American Legion National Convention in Minneapolis, Aug. 24-30, department adjutants need to email recommendations for national convention assistant sergeants-at-arms to Jeff Brown, executive director of National Headquarters in Indianapolis, at  pjackson@legion.org. In your email, include the mailing address of each recommendation since a letter of appointment will be sent. Sergeants-at-arms recommendations must be emailed by July 1. This request appears in the Department Adjutant’s Administrative Manual.

Official credentials for national convention

The following credentials are considered acceptable official credentials for admittance to all national convention venues (to include the convention floor, exhibit hall, shuttle bus transportation, etc.):

  • National Headquarters staff badge
  • Distinguished Guest badge
  • Commission & Committee Visitor badge
  • The American Legion Convention badge
  • American Legion Auxiliary Convention badge
  • Sons of The American Legion Convention badge
  • News media credential
  • Special ID Card for past national commanders
  • Exhibitor’s badge

The following are not acceptable for admittance to a national convention venue (to include the convention floor, exhibit hall, shuttle bus transportation, etc.):

  • White Ribbon with blue lettering marked “Delegation Chairman”
  • White Ribbon with blue lettering marked “Delegation Secretary”
  • Delegate (blue), Alternate (yellow) or Guest (red) ribbon
  • National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) Pass
  • National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) Button

These credentials are merely used as forms of identification. For entrance to convention venues, all of the above must be worn in conjunction with a national convention badge.

All delegates and alternates, as well as guests to the respective national conventions of The American Legion, must register prior to, or during, the national convention. Proper registration will ensure each attendee has the necessary credentials to enter the venues of the national convention. Without the proper credentials, access to various venues of the national convention will be denied.

All guests of The American Legion Family who are 18 years of age or older will be required to register just as delegates and alternates are required to register. Guests who are younger than 18 years of age, and who are not delegates or alternates to the SAL or Auxiliary National Conventions, will be provided guest credentials at no charge.

Registration fee for delegates, alternates and guests 18 years of age or older attending the national convention is $25 per person.

Delegate, alternate and guest certification forms will be emailed to all departments in early July.

Identification information

The following is identification information for the National Convention in Minneapolis:

  • The National Sergeant-at-Arms and Special Assistants wear red arm bands.
  • Assistant sergeants-at-arms wear blue arm bands.
  • Convention badges worn by commission and committee visitors have a purple ribbon with gold lettering marked “Commission & Committee Visitor.”
  • Convention badges worn by delegates have a blue ribbon with gold lettering marked “Delegate.”
  • Convention badges worn by alternates have a yellow ribbon with blue lettering marked “Alternate.”
  • Convention badges worn by guests have a red ribbon with gold lettering marked “Guest.”
  • Dispatch