October 08, 2018

New PSA on Team 100, convention opener video available to share


To view the PSA, visit The American Legion’s Vimeo channel at https://vimeo.com/americanlegion.

To celebrate 100 years of serving the community, state and nation, and to lead the organization into its second century, American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad chose Team 100 to be the Legion’s centennial membership theme. And The American Legion has a new “Team 100” public service announcement (PSA).

To view the PSA, visit The American Legion’s Vimeo channel at  https://vimeo.com/americanlegion.

Also available is a video of opening ceremonies from the 100th National Convention in Minneapolis, which was a musical, theatrical journey back to the origins of The American Legion. The journey through time features World War I era music, dance and a dramatic monologue by Troupe America, which featured a re-enactor who portrayed Theodore Roosevelt Jr., a pivotal founder of the organization.

The PSAs and videos housed on the Legion’s Vimeo channel can be shared via mobile devices or downloaded onto a computer hard drive and shared without the need for Internet connection. They too can be shared with media outlets and movie cinemas to promote what The American Legion does locally and nationally.
Visit The American Legion’s Vimeo channel to help tell the story of America’s largest veterans service organization.

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