Gold and Silver Brigade; National Recruiter of the Year.
Gold and Silver Brigade. Legionnaires who recruit 50 or more new members (transfers do not count) into The American Legion by the 100 percent membership target date (May 8) qualify for The American Legion’s Gold Brigade award.
Legionnaires who recruit 25-49 new members (transfers do not count) into The American Legion by the May membership target date qualifty for the Silver Brigade award.
Both the Silver Brigade and Gold Brigade awards cannot be awarded to a recruiter during the same membership year.
For more information about the award, please download the National Membership Points Award Manual at www.legion.org/publications under Membership. The Gold and Silver Brigade certification forms are on pages 20-22. Department adjutants must submit all certification forms to National Headquarters by May 31.
National Recruiter of the Year. The Legionnaire certified with the highest number of new members recruited from among all the departments will be declared The American Legion’s National Membership Recruiter of the Year. The award includes a trip to the 101st National Convention in Indianapolis with six days and five nights for the Legionnaire and guest, round-trip air transportation, hotel accommodations and reserved seating tickets to the National Commander’s Banquet for Distinguished Guests. Monetary awards will be presented to the next highest 26 Legion department recruiters.
Department adjutants must nominate top recruiters on or before May 31 by using the form on page 17 of the National Membership Points Award Manual at www.legion.org/publications under Membership.
- Dispatch