February 04, 2019

Team 100: Why I joined and renew

By The American Legion
Team 100: Why I joined and renew
Team 100: Why I joined and renew

Legionnaires share their why.

“Growing up in New York City I was blessed to have a dad who was a World War II Army Air Corps veteran. He told me early on, when I went into service in 1970, to listen to my NCOs.
Fast forward 23 years … Sgt. 1st Class Marty Rhyne at Fort Belvoir told me I needed to join the Legion … and I did. One of the best decisions in my life. My Virginia Legion Family was there for us as our boys grew up, was there to celebrate when I got Commander of the Year … and were there to hold me as we buried our son. The Legion is family and that legacy of tradition, service and love is alive and well in Texas, too!  Faces change, but the message doesn’t, and we grow in God and Country.” 
– Gerry Hince, Bryan, Texas, Post 159

“It’s the right thing to do. Being a member is a great way to support and continue to serve our military.”
– Todd Frye, Marshalltown, Iowa, Post 46

“After spending time with my father during my childhood at American Legion Post 174 in Wayne, N.J., and learning about Americanism, patriotism and camaraderie, it has always stayed with me. My father, who is 90 years old, is still a member. As for myself, I retired from the Army in 1997 after 22 years of service and I’m going on my 19th year as a member of Post 174.”
– Richard N. Zalusky, Aberdeen, Md., Post 174

American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons of why you joined The American Legion. And, equally important, why you renew.
As part of his Team 100 campaign, the centennial commander is assembling the thoughts of American Legion members to use in promotional materials to increase membership. Emails to provide your reason for joining and renewing in the nation’s largest veterans service organization may be sent to  dispatch@legion.org.

Ask your friends and fellow Legionnaires. Think of your own reasons. Most important, share with us as we remind everyone the importance of membership and retention.

  • Dispatch