American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons of why you joined The American Legion. And, equally important, why you renew.
“Way back in 1957, I was sponsored to go to Arkansas Boys State. Was a great experience, and I’ve never forgotten what I learned and my time there. I joined The American Legion about five years ago out of respect for the Legion and my father.”
– Robert Morrison, Sacramento, Calif., Post 1000
“The question is not why but a must – an honor to be eligible to be part of The American Legion, to be part of something more, part of a group of like-minded individuals with the simple common fact of having defended our country and our way of life. I belong because we need more veterans affairs & rehabilitation trailblazers. We need to engage the knowledge and history of our members to affect national security. We need to preserve and be the mentors of Americanism, and never quit on the children and youth for the future of our nation, which members of The American Legion fought for. This is why I belong.”
– R.J. Marquez, Post 462, Glen Rose, Texas
“We were there for each other during our deployments and became a family. The American Legion gives me the tools I need to help my new family in the unique ways that they need, whether it be camaraderie, help with (benefits) claims and programs, or just to simply talk and know that they are not alone. They were there for me, so I am here for them.”
– Sheri Rodriquez, Post 372, Jacksonville, Fla.
“I joined the Legion in 1953 and have been a continuous member of Dyersville, Iowa, Post 137. I served two terms as commander. Was asked to join by my brother-in-law, a World War II veteran, and was welcomed by some 50-plus World War I veterans in our post. Due to my age I’m not as active anymore. I’m very proud to be a veteran and a Legionnaire. I stayed a member because there is strength in numbers to help those veterans that need help.”
– Donald Lehmden, Dyersville, Iowa, Post 137
American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad wants to know your reasons of why you joined The American Legion. And, equally important, why you renew.
As part of his Team 100 campaign, the centennial commander is assembling the thoughts of American Legion members to use in promotional materials to increase membership. Emails to provide your reason for joining and renewing in the nation’s largest veterans service organization may be sent to dispatch@legion.org.
Ask your friends and fellow Legionnaires. Think of your own reasons. Most important, share with us as we remind everyone the importance of membership and retention.
- Dispatch