July 08, 2019

Membership Workshop and more coming up

By The American Legion

Membership Workshop, Children and Youth Conference, Legion Scholarship.

National Membership Workshop
The American Legion’s National Membership Workshop is Aug. 8-10 in Indianapolis. During the workshop, attendees will break out into three sessions – long term membership planning, district commander and department membership chairman. They also will hear remarks from National Commander Brett Reistad and leading candidate for 2019-2020 national commander Bill Oxford of North Carolina.

To attend the workshop, please contact your department adjutant. 

Register for Children and Youth Conference
The American Legion National Children & Youth Conference will be held Sept. 21-22 in Indianapolis. Registration is free and open to all interested American Legion Family members. All registrants are required to complete the online registration form located at      www.legion.org/cyconference. All other costs associated with attending the National Children & Youth Conference including, but not limited to, travel, lodging and meals are the sole responsibility of the attendee. Only authorized call-ins will be reimbursed for approved expenses.

Samsung American Legion Scholarships
The Samsung American Legion Scholarship applications submitted at the start of each American Legion Boys State and Auxiliary Girls State program are due to National Headquarters Aug. 15.

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