Holiday blood drive; centennial celebration ending.
Episode 5 of American Legion documentary available
The newest episode of the centennial documentary series “To Strengthen a Nation” is Episode 5: American Legion Baseball. Hosts Jeric Wilhelmsen and Lorna Duyn travel to Milbank, S.D., to learn the origin story of American Legion Baseball and explore how the organization has promoted citizenship through sportsmanship throughout the past century. Watch online at under “To Strengthen a Nation” playlist.
Holiday blood drive
The annual American Legion Holiday Donor Blood Drive will take place Thanksgiving through Dec. 31. Legion Family members and posts are encouraged to give blood and host blood drives for this life-saving cause. For information about The American Legion’s Blood Donor Program or how to host a blood drive, visit The 2018-2019 American Legion Consolidated Post Report showed that nearly 74,000 pints of blood was donated during the past year in post blood drives.
Legion centennial celebration ending
As The American Legion’s centennial celebration comes to a close on Nov. 11, Veterans Day, more than 3,100 Legion posts reported conducting an American Legion 100th Anniversary celebration event in the membership year that ended June 30.
- Dispatch