Visit www.legion.org/publications to download the speech.
Veterans Day. A guideline speech for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is available at www.legion.org/publications under Media & Communications.
Changes to constitution and bylaws. Delegates to the 101st American Legion National Convention in Indianapolis in August voted to change The American Legion’s constitution and bylaws, and the new version is now available to download at www.legion.org/publications.
Most of the changes involve reflecting the passage of the LEGION Act, and the ensuing eligibility changes to the Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary (also including the Auxiliary’s own eligibility change), as well as adoption of the singular “they” style, more utilitarian than “he or she.”
Get Out the Vote. The American Legion encourages Legionnaires to not only exercise their constitutional responsibility to vote on Election Day, Nov. 5, but to also encourage others to do the same. To help accomplish this message, visit www.legion.org/vote to download The American Legion’s “Get Out the Vote” brochure.
- Dispatch