First is the Legion centennial coins, then the focus will be the Veterans and Children's Foundation.
First and foremost, I want to thank you for electing me as your 2019-2020 national commander. I look forward to working alongside the Legion Family as we move into our second century of service, and I am excited to see what the year holds for this great organization of ours.
As you may know, national commander’s oftentimes have projects that they support during their year. From now until the end of December, my commanders project will be The American Legion’s 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin series. Proceeds from coin sales will help fund American Legion programs that support veterans, servicemembers, their families and the communities in which they live.
Coin sales end Dec. 31.
Those centennial coins make great gifts and give you American Legion memorabilia. I know in North Carolina we’re going to use those centennial coins as membership incentives.
To make a purchase or for more information about the centennial coins, visit www.legion.org/coin or call 800-872-6468.
Then, in January, my emphasis will shift to fundraising for The American Legion Veterans and Children’s Foundation. All contributions to the foundation go directly to the Legion’s Temporary Financial Assistance program and to Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation efforts – primarily training for American Legion service officers who work tirelessly to help veterans and families understand their health-care benefits, education and employment opportunities.
As we think about who we are and what we do as stakeholders, as the future of this organization, we are building the foundation for the future of the organization for the next 100 years.
We have a great team, and we will continue to have a great team. When we think about all the things that we do, that team makes it possible to accomplish those things.
- Dispatch