Events and deadlines in January for The American Legion
January calendar
Jan. 1: American Legion Baseball registration for the 2021 season opens.
Jan. 1: The 2021 American Legion Legacy Scholarship application is available.
Jan. 15: Deadline for the 2020 Veterans Employment and Education Award nominations. Awards include: Employer of Veterans Award, Employ the Older Worker Award, Employment Service Award and National Organization on Disability Award.
For more information, download the Economic Award Programs Brochure at
Jan. 15: Deadline for Homeless Veteran Task Force reports.
Jan. 18: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 21: 80 percent membership target date
Post Honor Ribbon
Honor ribbons are awarded to posts whose membership, as of Dec. 31, achieved an advance membership (for the year about to begin) equal to or greater than the final membership for the year ending. Certification forms must be submitted to the National Headquarters Membership Division by Jan. 31.
Download the form online at
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