For posts without Auxiliary units, I urge you to create a unit to help support our mission. We are all one team in support of our nation’s veterans.
There are more than 12,000 American Legion posts in communities around the world, however, 4,600 of them do not have an Auxiliary unit. That’s 4,600 communities who are lacking the services that the Auxiliary provides. That’s 4,600 Legion posts missing an opportunity to do even more great things in their community with the support of Auxiliary members.
Then there’s membership. If all 12,000 American Legion posts had an Auxiliary unit think about the impact that would have on our membership numbers.
Like The American Legion, the Auxiliary was founded in 1919. Auxiliary members volunteer their time to support America’s veterans and their families by sending high school juniors to Girls State; providing gifts and everyday necessities to veterans at VA medical centers or nursing homes; fundraising for post, unit and community causes; creating and distributing poppies in May to honor military fallen heroes; working side-by-side with post members for the good of the organization as a whole; and so much more.
The primary purpose of an Auxiliary unit is to aid The American Legion post to which it is attached in accomplishing American Legion Family projects in the community. The unit is an auxiliary to The American Legion post and takes its name, location and number.
Learn more at https://www.legion-aux.org/.
Members of The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary are working together to build a foundation for the future. And together, the American Legion Family can do incredible things.
For posts without Auxiliary units, I urge you to create a unit to help support our mission. We are all one team in support of our nation’s veterans.
- Dispatch