February 11, 2020

Did you know?

By The American Legion
Did you know?
Did you know?

OCW grants, membership in the Sons growth and more.

American Legion Operation Comfort Warriors program provided a $25,000 grant last month that will support the 34th annual National Veteran Golden Age Games in Madison, Wis., June 22-27. The National Veteran Golden Age Games provide veterans ages 55 or older who receive health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs an opportunity to participate in rehabilitative sport and recreation competition. OCW also provided smart TVs to state veterans homes in Indiana and Illinois.  legion.org/ocw

Membership in the Sons of The American Legion grew 1.2 percent (4,520 members) in 2019, the largest growth in the organization since 2016. Sons membership as of Dec. 31 was 375,540, an increase of 4,520 members from 2018. One of the Sons’ goals for 2020 is to reach an all-time high in membership: 400,000 members.

The American Legion’s 101st birthday is March 15-17. A prepared birthday speech is available online at   legion.org/publications under Media & Communications.

The American Legion is interested in your stories about Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA) relocations. Share your stories of TDAs that were SNAFUs. But tell them in a humorous way. Submit your stories and photos on Legiontown,  legiontown.org.

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