June 08, 2020

Consolidated Post Reports due July 1

By The American Legion
Consolidated Post Reports due July 1
Consolidated Post Reports due July 1

Download the report under Internal Affairs at www.legion.org/publications

July 1 deadline for CPR submission
The Consolidated Post Report (CPR) was established for posts to document external activities, such as volunteer and fundraising efforts, funeral honors and youth program support, from the reporting period of June 1-May 31. This data is collected by National Headquarters to help quantify – for Congress, American Legion media and national leadership – the good that American Legion posts do in their communities every year.

The 2019-2020 CPR is due to National Headquarters no later than July 1.  

Download the report under Internal Affairs at www.legion.org/publications or fill out and submit through MyLegion.org.
As of June 5, 30 percent of the more than 12,600 American Legion posts have submitted a 2019-2020 CPR.

Tango Alpha Lima podcast episodes
Have you subscribed and listened to The American Legion’s new podcast Tango Alpha Lima? Co-hosts and post 9/11 veterans Mark Seavey, Ashley Gorbulja-Maldonado and Jeff Daly discuss current events, interesting trends and stories of interest to the military community. A few recent episodes have discussed favorite military shows, a beer app, the launch of Space Force, and the DoD admission of UFOs.

Visit www.legion.org/tangoalphalima for details on how to listen.

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