October 09, 2020

TALMA delivers virtual training

By The American Legion

As The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) continues to grow in members since it was created in the spring, so does its focus on the priorities for those producing media at the post, district and/or department level.

As The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) continues to grow in members since it was created in the spring, so does its focus on the priorities for those producing media at the post, district and/or department level.

TALMA conducted its first monthly virtual training session in June on how to get your post’s events in your local media. These virtual training sessions are new as they were never conducted with the former National American Legion Press Association. The training sessions are interactive and offer perspectives from different experts.

Other topics have been on best practices for social media; best practices for shooting and editing video; and writing and interviewing tips. In the coming months, plans are to cover other topics such as how to improve your post’s newsletter, creating graphics for your social media platforms, and podcasting.

“For years, volunteers like TALMA members have pleaded for national to provide such training for communicators,” said Walter Ivie, chairman of the Media & Communications Commission. “TALMA quickly responded to members’ needs with the monthly virtual training sessions, something that was never delivered to NALPA members. So this is a historic time for us to deliver these virtual training sessions that provide relevant, scalable and useful information from experts that our TALMA members can take with them and use with success at the post, district and department level. I look forward to see more great work by national and TALMA members in the months to come.”

The virtual training sessions are conducted, and housed for replay, through TALMA’s Facebook page. This is a TALMA members-only exclusive benefit.

Other exclusive benefits of TALMA membership include:

  • A press credential with lanyard.
  • Free entry into the annual contest.
  • Resources for promoting Legion programs, post activities and more.
  • Training by subject matter experts.
  • Subscription to a regular e-newsletter.

A prime benefit of TALMA membership is free entry into the annual contest. There were nearly 100 entries for the 2020 contest and winners have been announced at  legion.org/talma/contest. An announcement soon will happen regarding exciting enhancements to the 2021 TALMA contest.

To join TALMA for dues of $15 per membership year (Sept. 1-Aug. 31), visit www.legion.org/talma.

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