September 04, 2020

Grants available to help natural disaster victims

By The American Legion
Grants available to help natural disaster victims
Grants available to help natural disaster victims

The NEF is available to help American Legion members and posts, and Sons of The American Legion members, who have been impacted by natural disasters.

Destruction and devastation struck Louisiana and Mississippi 15 years ago last month when Hurricane Katrina hit. American Legion Family members everywhere responded with support – financial, water, clothes and other supplies – and post homes became relief centers and shelters.

Hurricane seasons is in effect in the southeast, while firefighters continue to battle wildfires in California.

Since January, $102,675 in American Legion National Emergency Fund (NEF) grants has been distributed to 28 members and nine American Legion posts to help with recovery efforts following a natural disaster. The NEF has provided more than $8 million in direct financial assistance to American Legion and Sons of The American Legion members, and American Legion posts to provide immediate relief following a natural disaster.

National Emergency Fund
The NEF is available to help American Legion members and posts, and Sons of The American Legion members, who have been impacted by natural disasters.

The NEF provides up to $3,000 for Legion and Sons members with an active membership who have been displaced due to damages to their primary residence, and up to $10,000 for posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community are impacted. To apply for an NEF grant, please visit
Donations are also accepted to fund the NEF. One hundred percent of donations to the NEF directly help veterans and their families recover from natural disasters. To donate

Share your stories
American Legion posts that are helping their communities affected by these or other natural disasters are encouraged to share their stories. Email with details. 

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