April 01, 2021

Promote new Americanism video

By The American Legion

The American Legion has created a video about its youth programs and the one common denominator they all have – responsible citizenship.

New MyLegion.org is live!
On Thursday, April 1, the new  mylegion.org design and user interface improvements went live. Visit page 6 to see how to access all the membership benefits and tools it has to offer.

New Americanism youth program video to share
The American Legion has created a video about its youth programs and the one common denominator they all have – responsible citizenship. The American Legion Youth Programs and Responsible Citizenship video is available on the Legion’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/americanlegionHQ.

American Legion departments and posts are encouraged to share this video with their youth program participants.

Be aware of email spoofing
It has been brought to the attention of National Headquarters that Legionnaires have been receiving donation scams in the name of American Legion leadership and/or staff at the department and national level. Due to the increase in email spoofing, do not respond. Instead, please verify with the known person if they sent the email. Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address. It is used in spam and phishing attacks to make recipients think a message came from a person they know.

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