Nov. 25 marks the start of the annual American Legion Holiday Donor Blood Drive; National Family Week is Nov. 21-27.
Holiday donor blood drive. Nov. 25 marks the start of the annual American Legion Holiday Donor Blood Drive that lasts through Dec. 31. During this time, American Legion Family members are encouraged to give blood and host blood drives as part of the American Legion Blood Donor Program – an organizational effort that has existed since 1946 to help a lifesaving cause.
If your American Legion post, district or department is interested in hosting a blood drive, visit the Red Cross website, and click on “Hosting a blood drive” at the top to learn more about how to start the process.
National Family Week. Nov. 21-27 will mark this year’s National Family Week when American Legion Family members are encouraged to promote and celebrate healthy families and communities.
Download The American Legion’s National Family Week brochure at under Americanism. Posts can get involved in established local National Family Week activities; encourage local and state governments to observe and engage in National Family Week; and help organize a family festival that includes fun and safe activities for the whole family.
- Dispatch