Paul E. Dillard will serve as The American Legion national commander for the 2021-22 year; his Commander’s Project is the Veterans and Children Foundation.
On Sept.2 in Phoenix during the 102nd National Convention, Paul E. Dillard of Texas was elected as The American Legion’s national commander for 2021-22.
Dillard, a Vietnam War U.S. Navy veteran, joined The American Legion in 1969 and is a Paid Up For Life member of American Legion Post 265 in Lake Kiowa, Texas. He has served in leadership roles on every level of The American Legion, including post and department commander, national vice commander, alternate National Executive Committeeman, and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, the Veterans Employment & Education Commission, and the Legislative Commission. He was elected as national vice commander in 2013.
Dillard said The American Legion will continue to advance the legacies of veterans “by sharing their love for this country with the next generation. We do this through our youth programs, such as Boys State, Boys Nation, Oratorical, Legion Baseball, Junior Shooting Sports, JROTC and by supporting Scouting. We also reach out directly to veterans through our Veterans and Children Foundation, Operation Comfort Warriors, National Emergency Fund, Buddy Checks and many scholarship programs.”
Dillard said when he testifies before a joint session of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees during the 2022 Washington Conference, he wants to be able to paint a complete picture of what The American Legion does on a large scale.
“In order to give a full report in my testimony of The American Legion, we must strive for a 100 percent Consolidated Post Report,” he said. “I need to report on the hours donated, the monies raised to support our veterans and our programs.
“Although these are being done at the post level throughout the nation, we must complete the forms. The mission is not completed until the forms are filed.”
The CPR form is available on MyLegion.org.
Commander’s Project
As for donations, Dillard said his Commander’s Project will be the Veterans and Children Foundation (V&CF). His goal is to raise $2 million for the V&CF.
The Veterans and Children Foundation provides Temporary Financial Assistance grants to eligible active-duty servicemembers and American Legion members with minor children in the home, and it provides support for American Legion service officers in their efforts to obtain care and earned benefits and opportunities for veterans and their families.
Retention rate
Dillard said he has conducted one-on-one Zoom meetings with each department to establish membership goals. He’s also issued another challenge: a retention rate of 90 percent for 2021 members.
“We must make personal contact to our members to thank them for their continued support of The American Legion by keeping their membership current, and ask them if we can count on them this year,” he said.
Dillard has been married to his wife Donna since 1983. They have two children and two grandchildren – all members of the American Legion Family. Donna served as Department of Texas American Legion Auxiliary president from 2017-2018.
- Dispatch