March 07, 2022

234,601 Buddy Checks made in 2021

By The American Legion

The CPR revealed a second straight year of massive assistance for veterans through the organization’s Buddy Check program.

A major technological overhaul at American Legion National Headquarters delayed tallying of the Consolidated Post Report (CPR) for the 2020-21 membership year. The CPR revealed a second straight year of massive assistance for veterans through the organization’s Buddy Check program. The number of veterans contacted through the program was reported at 234,601.

The percentage of posts reporting their numbers was 62%.Highlights reported in the 2020-21 CPR include:

  • 244,990 volunteer hours at VA hospitals
  • 75,959 pints of blood donated by 50,735 American Legion members
  • 105,942 funeral honors provided by American Legion posts
  • 4,625 veterans placed in jobs through American Legion local assistance
  • 6,222 Veterans in the Classroom programs
  • 3,931 Flag Day ceremonies
  • 6,404 Veterans Day ceremonies
  • 6,395 Memorial Day ceremonies
  • 2,504,183 volunteer community-service hours

The 2021-22 CPR is now available in for post adjutants and squadrons. A hard copy is available for download at under Internal Affairs. Deadline is July 1.

  • Dispatch