March 07, 2022

Americanism program success reported in 2021

By The American Legion

The National Americanism Division released its By-the-Numbers report for 2021.

The National Americanism Division released its By-the-Numbers report for 2021. View and download it at 

The report shows that last year, American Legion members across the country upheld a 100 percent Americanism through their devotion, dedication and commitment to the success of Americanism programs at the local, state and national level, despite limitations surrounding ongoing safety measures with COVID-19. Highlights from the report include:

  • 50,575 youth from 2,975 teams played American Legion Baseball.
  • 31 American Legion Boys State programs reported having conducted a program. 
  • 2,089 Scouting units were chartered by American Legion Family members across the country, involving 38,315 youth.
  • 21 American Legion departments have an established American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement program.
  • 48 American Legion department oratorical winners were certified of the 53 departments normally competing. (The 2021 National Oratorical Finals in Indianapolis was cancelled due to safety concerns regarding the pandemic.)
  • 686 individual athletes and 88 shooting clubs entered the 2020-2021 postal round competition of The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports National Tournament.

As reported by the 2021 Consolidated Post Report:

  • 2,377 students from throughout the nation were presented an American Legion School Award Medal
  • 909 American Legion posts participated in American Education Week.
  • Dispatch