It’s exciting to know that a recent review of the 2022 membership forecast shows that The American Legion is on pace to exceed last year’s totals. This would be the first time the organization has seen membership growth since 2010.
Dear American Legion members,
It’s exciting to know that a recent review of the 2022 membership forecast shows that The American Legion is on pace to exceed last year’s totals. This would be the first time the organization has seen membership growth since 2010.
To make sure this milestone is met, The American Legion needs to renew or recruit an average of eight members per post per month between now and June 30. We can do this. It’s going to take all of us working renewals.
I have a few examples to share of renewal success.
Your Membership & Post Activities Committee Chairman Jay Bowen of Colorado sent an email to a few non-renewed members from his Post 209 in Colorado Springs. His email asked them to renew now as the post is close to hitting 100% membership. He received two renewals that day.
The Department of Puerto Rico took the initiative of reaching out to its non-renewals and as a result, the department is over 103% of its membership goal. Puerto Rico is the first department to qualify for my incentive of retaining at least 90% renewal rate and hitting 103% of their membership goal. Now through Oct. 1, the Department of Puerto Rico will receive a credit of $18.50 for each member submitted above the 103% goal. Department of Puerto Rico Adjutant Juan A. Cruz-Rodriguez said that department leadership printed the list of non-renewals from MyLegion.org and made Buddy Check calls. They too discussed the benefits of being a Legionnaire, with the big one for the department being the National Emergency Fund because of devastation caused from hurricanes and earthquakes.
Membership growth for The American Legion is in sight, and I know we can do it if we all work together. Post adjutants can download and print the non-renewal list from mylegion.org. Let non-renewals know that they can easily and safely renew online at www.legion.org/renew. And let your members know that their membership matters.
- Dispatch