Membership target dates, awards and renewals.
Membership. The 75% membership (not including DMS totals) target date is Dec. 7. This target date is worth 7,500 points. Transmittals must be received and fully processed at National Headquarters during normal business hours on or before the December target date.
Scouting. Nominations for the 2023 American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year award are now being accepted. View the application at
An applicant’s nomination packet must be received by their respective American Legion department headquarters no later than March 1, 2023. Departments must then select and certify their department’s top nominee to American Legion National Headquarters no later than April 1, 2023.
Awards. The Certificate of Meritorioius Service All-Time High Award is awarded to all posts that have enrolled an advance membership for the membership year (as of Dec. 31) equaling or surpassing the post’s previous all-time high membership. The application is on page 14 of the National Membership Awards Program Manual.
Membership renewal. Members can safely and conveniently pay their dues for 2023 at Membership renewal also can be done through your account. When your membership becomes eligible for renewal, a “Renew Now” button appears at the top right-hand page of your account. Click on “Renew Now” and the amount due is displayed in “My Order Balance.” Select “Pay Now” or “Renew Now” to proceed.
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