November 07, 2022

New reports in MyLegion

By The American Legion
New reports in MyLegion
New reports in MyLegion

Consolidated Reports are now available, along with member dues history, paid members by post and project stay active.

The 2022-2023 Consolidated Post Reports and Consolidated Squadron Reports are now available in for post and squadron adjutants to access. 

This report can be updated throughout the year and finalized when complete. The final day to submit online for the 2022-2023 Consolidated Report is Aug. 31, 2023. When submitting online, there is no need to mail a paper form. 

Follow these steps to access the reports.

1. Begin in My Groups. The dashboard will display a link for consolidated reports. 

2. Click “Edit Reports” or “View/Edit Reports” from the left menu. Then view dashboard. The dashboard with consolidated report options is restricted to post and squadron adjutants. 

3. My Consolidated Post Reports window will open. This window provides information for open and closed reports. Click “Edit” to open the report. 

4. Click “Edit” in Preview and Final Steps to open the report fields to enter data. 

Report information provides field boxes to include data. The number located at the lower right indicates the maximum characters allowed. Tab to go from one field to the next or scroll and click. Please note that the report is no longer completed in sections; it is one continuous form. At the bottom of the form are buttons to “Save as Draft,” “Next” or “Cancel.”

•  Save As Draft – saves draft and allows you to return and make future entries. 

•  Next – provides “Submit Final” button to finalize. Finalizing the report closes the report for additional updates.  

To print the report: Click “Print Friendly View” link that displays the report questions and answers. Another print link appears. Click “Print.” This report can be saved as a PDF or sent to your output printer. 

Three new reports in MyLegion 

New reports in MyLegion are now available. To access reports from your My Account page, enter My Groups. Go to “Reports/Labels” from the left My Views menu. Then select the desired report. Each report allows you to set parameters.  Set parameters and click “View Report.”  

1. Member dues history  

This report is available for posts, squadrons, districts and counties.  Enter the member ID and organization (The American Legion or Sons of The American Legion) to view payment history. Payment history provided includes join date and payments (last paid year 2011 to current). 

2. Paid members by post  

This report is available for districts and counties.  This report may take longer to generate data. The paid members report includes all members who have paid to that post. 

3. Project stay active  

This report is available for posts, squadrons, districts and counties.  You can find members by ZIP code that have recently moved into your area to connect with them and see if they would like to transfer to your post. 

  • Dispatch