Meet your five new national vice commanders elected Sept. 1 during The American Legion’s 103rd national convention in Milwaukee.
The following five national vice commanders were elected Sept. 1 during The American Legion’s 103rd national convention in Milwaukee.
Central Region: Kenneth C. Hylton is a life member of American Legion St. Joseph Post 464 in St. Leon, Ind. After his service in the U.S. Army (1970-73), Hylton worked for the U.S. Postal Service from 1973 to 2006. He served as commander of the Department of Indiana in 2014, and as department vice commander in 2008. Hylton has served as county veterans service officer for Ripley County, Ind., since 2007, raising awareness of veteran services in local areas.
Northeast Region: Paul M. Kennedy is a life member of American Legion Post 80 in Pittsburgh who has held every office in his post. He also served as the 32nd District commander, department western vice commander (2013-14), department membership chairman (2015-17), Pennsylvania department commander (2017-18) and alternate NEC member (2018-22). Kennedy joined the U.S. Army in August 1968 and retired as a chief warrant officer-4 in September 2008. His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Joint Task Force Award with V Device, Bronze Order of Mercury, and Combat Rifle Governors Twenty Badge.
Western Region: Douglas R. Uhrig is a Paid Up for Life member of American Legion Archie Hay Post 24 in Rock Springs, Wyo. Uhrig served in the U.S. Army (1971-74) and National Guard (1976-80). Uhrig has served as post, district and department commander, and was named Wyoming’s 2017 Legionnaire of the Year. He served as Wyoming’s Alternate National Executive Committeeman and the National Executive Committeeman, served on the Department Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, chaired the Americanism and Boy Scout Committees and served as director of Wyoming Boys State. Nationally, Uhrig served on the Americanism Commission, Eagle Scout of the Year Selection Committee and National Convention Committee for Constitutional Amendments.
Midwest Region: Glenn Wahus is a member of American Legion Carl E Rogen Post 29 in Watford City, N.D., and is a U.S. Navy veteran (1983-87). Wahus served as Department of North Dakota commander (2018-19) and has served on several post, department and national committees, including the National Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Commission (2015-22). He was instrumental in bringing the “courage carries on” suicide awareness and prevention program to veterans and youth in North Dakota.
Southeast Region: Patricia A. Harris is a member of American Legion Post 157 in Raleigh, N.C., a Legion Riders Chapter 116 member and a member of the Auxiliary. She is a retired Gulf War veteran of the U.S. Army and Army Reserves. Harris is a 2007 National Legion College graduate who has served as the Department of North Carolina commander and Alternate National Executive Committeeman. She founded and served as executive director of a nonprofit advocacy organization for women veterans and homelessness, domestic violence/sexual assault, empowerment and employment. She is passionate about ending domestic violence.
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