The American Legion Frank N. Belgrano Jr. Trophy is awarded to the department with an active Scouting program.
The American Legion National Americanism Commission has presented the Frank N. Belgrano Jr. Trophy since 1936 to departments that have rendered the most outstanding support for Scouting. This period of support is annually from Aug. 1 to July 31.
The award honors 1934-1935 Past National Commander Frank N. Belgrano Jr. of California. It’s based on the number of troops organized, strength of existing troops and general welfare of the Scout movement under American Legion sponsorship within the department, based on written reports with substantiating evidence submitted to National Headquarters. The 2022 Americanism By-the-Numbers report highlighted that there were 2,099 Scouting units chartered by Legion Family across the nation, involving 36,359 young people and 19,279 adult leaders.
See past recipients of the award in the Trophies, Awards and Ceremonials Manual.
Departments that want to be considered for the award are required to submit a report with a narrative description of their department's efforts and accomplishments. The design and length of the narrative is your decision; however, the selection committee wants to see something other than statistical information to consider when they determine the winner.
Reports and narratives must be received by Aug. 10.
Submit material by mail or email:
The American Legion
Attn: Americanism Division-Scouting
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206
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