March 25, 2024

An incentive to recruit

By The American Legion
An incentive to recruit
An incentive to recruit

Missouri Post 55 adjutant put out a challenge: recruit two new members and earn a chance to win 2025 membership paid for.

American Legion Post 55 Adjutant Maria Poindexter of Hannibal, Mo., put a challenge out to post members – bring in two new American Legion members within a month and earn a chance to win your 2025 membership paid for.

Since March 1, six new members have been recruited into Post 55.

"In honor of the American Legion’s 105th birthday, I felt that we needed to keep the strongest veteran’s organization going and Be the One,” Poindexter said.  

Besides a chance to receive a free membership year, Post 55 members who recruit two new members also will receive the national commander’s incentive coin.

American Legion National Commander Daniel J. Seehafer will award his Be the One dog tag coin to any Legionnaire who obtains two new members in The American Legion. A new member is any eligible person joining for the 2024 membership year who was not a member of The American Legion during the 2023 membership year. Transfers do not count as new members.

Seehafer set a recruitment goal of 78,000 new traditional members for the 2024 membership year. To date we have recruited 58,528 new members into the organization at the local post level.


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