March 04, 2024

Share your Buddy Checks plans and stories

By The American Legion
Share your Buddy Checks plans and stories
Share your Buddy Checks plans and stories

The American Legion has its Buddy Check toolkit and a door hanger to help you show veterans that you care about their well-being.

American Legion Resolution No. 18 calls for Buddy Checks to be conducted twice a year – American Legion birthday and Veterans Day – but posts can and do conduct them at any time throughout the year. Buddy Checks serve as a way to reach out to members and veterans in your community who may need help, whether that be financial assistance, transportation, service officer help or a simple phone call to know someone cares. 

The American Legion will celebrate its 105th birthday on March 15, the same week Buddy Checks are to be conducted. The American Legion has its Buddy Check toolkit and a door hanger to help you show veterans that you care about their well-being. Visit to download the following tools:

Buddy Check Toolkit that explains the program, provides steps to conducting a successful Buddy Check, gives sample scripts and more. 

Buddy Check doorhanger that is printer-friendly and can be customized as a leave-behind when Legion Family members visit a veteran who is not a home. 

And share your Buddy Check stories on under the Buddy Check category.  

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