National Commander James "Bill" Oxford offers organization's support and prayers to those impacted by Hurricane Laura while noting assistance programs available.
American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford issued the following statement regarding Hurricane Laura’s destructive path along the Gulf Coast:
“The American Legion extends its support and prayers to those impacted by Hurricane Laura. Right now, priority one is saving lives. When the danger subsides, the clean-up and recovery begins. The American Legion Family has a number of support programs for our members to include Temporary Financial Assistance and a National Emergency Fund. TFA grants are also available to eligible active-duty servicemembers with minor children in the home. We have American Legion posts across the country that will offer their own forms of assistance as well. I have directed our national staff to maintain regular communications with the impacted departments to ensure that we do everything we can to help those in need. For now, people with inquiries can call our Louisiana American Legion Department Adjutant, Tony Betts (337) 652-5072 or email tonyb_la@hotmail.com or adjutant@lalegion.org. The Texas American Legion can be contacted at (512) 472-4138 or billw@txlegion.org. More details will be released at www.legion.org during the coming days.”
Oxford also pointed out that Americans can contribute to charities which help recovery efforts by donating to The American Legion National Emergency Fund or Veterans & Children Foundation at legion.org/donate or by sending a check to either of those charities at The American Legion, P.O. Box 361626, Indianapolis, IN 46236.
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