Those impacted by the November wildfire can get help through NEF and local posts, while those seeking to help can make donations.
American Legion Raisner Post 45 in Corning, Calif., is still accepting monetary donations from across the country to help those impacted by November’s Camp Fire in Butte County.
At least 86 people died and thousands were left homeless after the wildfire.
John Leach, California District 4 commander and Post 45 adjutant, said he’s hoping to get more Legionnaires from the area for the next distribution of funds. About 60 veterans and their families received help in the form of $300 grants on Dec. 8 at Post 95 in Oroville.
But only a handful of those veterans were Legion members. Likewise, only a few Legionnaires have applied for American Legion National Emergency Fund (NEF) grants as well.
Leach hopes that more Legion and Sons of The American Legion members apply for NEF grants, including Post 259 in Paradise, ground zero for the Camp Fire.
Donations to Post 45’s Camp Fire Relief Fund can be made by sending a check or money order to American Legion Post 45, P.O. Box 773, Corning, CA 96021. Include “Camp Fire Relief Fund” on the memo line of the check or money order to ensure the money goes to the proper account.
Donations can also be made to the NEF at
The National Emergency Fund is available for American Legion and Sons of The American Legion members who have been impacted by the wildfires as well as Legion posts. The NEF provides up to $3,000 for Legion and SAL members with an active membership who have been displaced due to damages to their primary residence, and up to $10,000 for posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community are impacted. To apply for an NEF grant, please visit
- Emergency