Departments are encouraged to submit information on posts that have provided support to communities and members through pandemic and natural disasters; deadline is Sept. 25.
The National Emergency Fund Post Excellence Award, established in 2009, is once again being offered to those American Legion posts that helped their communities impacted by a natural disaster or COVID-19 during 2019 and 2020.
“Posts that have handled logistics, became an emergency action center, provided shelter (for COVID-19, prepared and distributed food, supplies, masks, etc., while maintaining a safe distance) and extended support to their communities in times of natural disasters and the COVID-19 Pandemic are shining examples of The American Legion at its best, and each and every one of them deserve to be recognized for that,” National Adjutant Dan Wheeler said.
Many posts have stepped up to assist their members and communities during the pandemic; examples can be found at this link.
Departments may submit to the National Internal Affairs Division posts that should be considered for this recognition of service award by the national commander. You must submit a written narrative (no more than 500 words), along with documentation which may include newspaper clippings, photos or videos on a flash drive, CD or DVD, to: The American Legion, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206, ATTN: Internal Affairs. Please have your input to Internal Affairs no later than Sept. 25.
At the 2020 Fall Meetings of the National Executive Committee, the Internal Affairs Commission will review submissions and validate the recipients to the National Executive Committee. The award was to be determined at the spring NEC meetings but was moved to the fall after the cancellation of Spring Meetings.
Questions can be directed to Michele Steinmetz, NEF coordinator, Membership and Internal Affairs Division at (317) 630-1321 or, or to Jack Querfeld, director of Internal Affairs Division.
- Emergency