September 14, 2021

Training Tuesday: NEF, Mission Blue Post grants

By The American Legion
Training Tuesday: NEF, Mission Blue Post grants
Training Tuesday: NEF, Mission Blue Post grants

Join American Legion national staff at 7 p.m. Sept. 28 to hear how the NEF and Mission Blue programs support posts and members. 

American Legion National Headquarters staff will present training on the National Emergency Fund program and the Mission Blue Post Assistance program.

The Training Tuesday session will be held at 7 p.m. ET Sept. 28. A link to attend the training via Microsoft Teams will be available on the Training Tuesday web page,

The Mission Blue Post Assistance program supports posts that were financially impacted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides $1,000 grants to posts that are in good standing with their respective department, and meet the qualifying criteria. These funds must be used exclusively to pay current or past due rent, mortgage, utilities and insurance. Learn more about the program here

The NEF is available to help American Legion members and posts, and Sons of The American Legion members, who have been impacted by a natural disaster. The NEF provides up to $3,000 for Legion and Sons members with an active membership who have been displaced due to damages to their primary residence, and up to $10,000 for posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community are impacted. To apply for an NEF grant, please visit

Missed a Training Tuesday? All recorded sessions are archived on the Training Tuesday web page.

  • Emergency