The American Legion wants to hear your pride for Old Glory.
In preparation for Flag Day, June 14, The American Legion and the Citizens Flag Alliance are invigorating pride for and building awareness about why the U.S. flag matters. Illustrated messages on The American Legion’s website, and Facebook page and Twitter feed will deliver historical notes, fun facts and voices from history about Old Glory. These messages are encouraged to be shared.
For example, it is commonly held that Betsy Ross recommended the U.S. flag have a five-pointed star, rather than six-pointed, because she could make a five-pointed star with one snip and proved her point by demonstrating it before her critics.
The American Legion would like to hear from you about your pride for the symbol of unity and freedom. Please share your flag moment with photos at Legiontown.org under the heading “Rally Around the Flag.” Or share on your social media channels and use the hashtag #rallyaroundtheflag.
Leo “Buddy” Pergson shared on Legiontown that as a “proud” grandson of the late Robert Pergson, a World War I veteran and member of American Legion Post 50 in Coolidge, Ariz., the U.S. flag means “to proudly stand and salute Old Glory as proud Americans for the stars and the stripes that proudly represent freedom for all America.”
- Flag