The speech can be downloaded at legion.org/publications for your June 14 events.
On Flag Day, June 14, American Legion posts often hold a flag retirement ceremony or participate in community celebrations to commemorate the date in 1777 when the United States approved the design for the first national flag.
For Legion posts holding a Flag Day event, a prepared speech is available. Download the speech here. The speech doesn’t have to be recited verbatim.
And at 7 p.m. EDT on June 14 is the annual Pause for the Pledge.
Other American Legion flag resources available include:
- Three sets of downloadable graphics to share on your social media channels - Voices of Our Flag, Rally Around the Flag and Know Your Code.
- Three youth comic books for purchase – “Our Country’s Flag,” “I Pledge Allegiance” and “Our Country’s Veterans.”
- Flag retirement ceremony speech as outlined in Resolution No. 440.
- Flag