Kaiserslautern Post GR01 held post elections on April 6.
Kaiserslautern Post GR01 held post elections on April 6. The 2014 officers are:
Commander - Demetrius White
Adjutant - Robert "Bobby" Leist (2013 Legionnaire of the Year)
1st Vice Commander - Stephen Ward
2nd Vice Commander - Michael Young
Finance Officer - Vacant
Chaplain - Woodrow Ervin
Service Officer - Robert Gray
Historian - Robert "Bobby" Leist
Judge Advocate - Joseph Chonko
Sergeant At Arms - Chris O'Neal
Here's to a successful and prosperous 2014! Happy New Legion Year!!!
Special thanks to Department Commander James Settle and Department Vice Commander-At-Large Joe "Charlie" Brown for officiating the post elections and initiations. Also see the story and photos on our Facebook site: American Legion, Kaiserslautern Post GR01.