Post comes together to celebrate with community.
I'd like to thank everyone who helped at the post during our Thanksgiving Dinner. It was once again a huge success! All your efforts allowed us to deliver about 70 meals to those who were unable to come out, didn't have a dinner at home or were working in service to our community! It was a cold and windy day and you came out of your comfy homes to help others. Thank you! You guys rock!
I'd also like to thank all those who came to the post and shared in our meal. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and for family and friends to be together. Our American Legion Family and many in our Seward Community came and shared in this wonderfully prepared meal by the members of our Post, Sons of the American Legion and the Auxiliary. It was a great time for all and I am both thrilled and humbled to be a member of this organization and the outstanding people who consistently make things happen throughout the year in our efforts of "mutual helpfulness"!
Here are a few photos of our hard workers and our dinner participants! I didn't get pictures of everyone because some were there at the crack of dawn, but your efforts are no less appreciated! More pictures on Facebook if you have it! See you at the post!