The Legiontown website (www.legiontown.org) can showcase multiple stories, allows Legion Family members to feature links to YouTube videos created by them, and enables stories to be shared throughout social media.
American Legion posts and Legion Family members provide service year-round to veterans and their families, active-duty servicemembers, youth and community members. And the Legion wants to hear these stories.
The Legiontown website can showcase multiple stories, allows Legion Family members to feature links to YouTube videos created by them, and enables stories to be shared throughout social media. This sharing will promote the many ways Legion Family members dedicate themselves to a cause greater than themselves. Those belonging to FODPAL posts and departments can provide a different perspective from the majority of members, showing how the Legion mission is as important abroad as in the United States.
The Legion wants you to share your good experiences, whether it’s donation or membership drives, honor and remembrance stories, visiting patients at a VA hospital, sponsoring young people to Boys and Girls State, hosting fundraisers, donating to Legion charities, or converting a post into a makeshift shelter for victims affected by a natural disaster. Posts, Sons squadrons and Auxiliary units are turning ordinary communities into Legiontowns every day.
For many Legion Family members, these services go unnoticed, but not for those who share their stories on Legiontown. That sharing provides inspiration to posts, squadrons and units everywhere on how to promote the Legion in their communities. Registration is free. Categories range from Buddy Checks and Family Legacy to Rally Around the Flag, Post Museums/Memorials and Veterans Helping Veterans, plus many more.
One FODPAL post continuing to make good use of Legiontown is Col. Lewis L. Millett Memorial Post 38 in Seoul, South Korea, via post historian Don Wong.