October 21, 2022

Liberation Days in France 

By The American Legion
Liberation Days in France 
In Sucy-en-Brie, Paris Post 1 Chaplain Gary Nadolski and spouse Gigi supported their hometown's Liberation Day ceremonies. (Photo via Post 1)

Paris Post 1 members take part in ceremonies throughout country. 

The October 2022 newsletter of Paris Post 1 details the August activities of its post members, who fanned out across France to take part in commemoration ceremonies of the aftermath of D-Day in 1944. Locations included: - Sucie-en-Brie - Troyes - Issy-Les-Moulineaux - Montélimar - Drôme - Draguignan Legion, Auxiliary and Sons members all participated. And the ceremonies didn’t just take place in the small towns; says the newsletter, “The site of the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial in France was selected because of its historic location along the route of the U.S. 7th Army's drive up the Rhone Valley. It was established on Aug. 19, 1944, after the 7th Army's surprise landing in southern France.”

Visit Post 1’s website for more information on all the commemorations the post participates in throughout the year.