May 03, 2017

Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38 celebrates American Legion's 98th birthday

By Donald Wong, post historian
Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38 celebrates American Legion’s 98th birthday
Top photos: 2nd Vice Commander Ronald Koon, Commander Michael Napsey, 1st Vice Commander William Wight Bottom photo: Members of Post 38

Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38, South Korea, celebrated The American Legion’s birthday during its March monthly meeting.

Col. Lewis L. Millett Post 38, South Korea, celebrated The American Legion’s birthday during its March monthly meeting. The American Legion’s 98th birthday was on 15 March. On March 15, 1919, members of the American Expeditionary Force held the first American Legion caucus in Paris.
Members of Post 38 celebrated the 98th birthday, led by Commander Michael Napsey, 1st Vice Commander William Wight and 2nd Vice Commander Ronald Koon. Post 38 in Seoul is under the Department of the Philippines and is the first established American Legion post in South Korea.