Honorary Life Member of Yanks Down Under Post AU01 Emilio Nacua passed away last fall, six months before what would have been his 101st birthday.
Honorary Life Member of Yanks Down Under Post AU01 Emilio Nacua passed away last fall, six months before what would have been his 101st birthday. He had been a very active member of the post for 34 years, transferring here from a post in the Philippines.
He served with the U.S. 43rd Infantry Regiment (Philippine Scouts) of the Philippine Division in the terrible three months of the siege of Bataan. When the U.S. forces surrendered, many of the Philippine Scouts got away, Emilio among them, and fought as guerrillas until 1945. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantry Badge for his action in Bataan. After the war he rejoined the 43rd Infantry Regiment as a military policeman and was eventually discharged with the rank of Master Sgt. He and his wife settled in Australia and raised 14 children, of which 13 are still living. Over 200 attended his funeral on Nov. 3. He was also a member of the Australian veterans organization the Returned and Services League (RSL).
Read more about Nacua's funeral at http://www.muntingnayon.com/page/104885/index.php.