November 30, 2017

Former FODPAL president honors uncle, other veterans at Calgary ceremony

Former FODPAL president honors uncle, other veterans at Calgary ceremony
Jim Grosset during his term as commander of the Department of Montana.

Calgary Legion post is longtime participant in Remembrance Day event.

Veterans Day is called Remembrance Day in Canada, but the idea is much the same. So American Legion Post CN20 of Calgary, Alberta, feels right at home participating in area ceremonies and observances.

One such event is the Jubilee Remembrance Day Ceremony in Calgary. According to post adjutant, former Department of Montana commander and former FODPAL President Jim Grosset, the post has laid wreaths and flown flags at this event “for a long time.” Their participation is through their membership in the Calgary United Veterans Association (CUVA). Grosset himself remembers attending 35 years ago with his Army cadet corps.

This year, Grosset was invited to speak at the ceremony because of the post's ties to CUVA. He spoke about veterans in general, and in particular about his uncle, who was killed in World War II. "I was very comfortable doing this, and was glad to do it," he said.

Watch a TV report about the Remembrance Day ceremony here; Grosset's portion begins about 53 seconds in.