Fall FODPAL Meeting to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021, at 7:30 a.m. in Room 301 at National Headquarters in Indianapolis.
FODPAL President James Settle has called for the Fall FODPAL Meeting to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021, at 7:30 a.m. in Room 301 at National Headquarters in Indianapolis. All FODPAL officers and NEC members are expected to attend. Other FODPAL members (commanders/adjutants) attending the C&A meetings are welcome and very much encouraged to attend.
James Pisa, FODPAL Secretary
1. Call to Order President James Settle
2. Salute to Colors President James Settle
3. Invocation Chaplain Terry Huisman
4. Pledge of Allegiance President James Settle
5. Preamble to the Constitution President James Settle
6. Introduction of Guests PNVC/PFP Jim Pisa
7.Installation of New President PNC/PFP Tony Jordan
8. Minutes/Special Meeting in Phoenix Secretary PNVC/PFP Jim Pisa
9. Treasurer's ReportTreasurer PNC/PFP Jimmie Foster
10. Unfinished Business Membership
11. New Business
Request for Funds
Appointment of the Selection Committee for the 2022 Erle Cocke Jr. Award
Appointment of the Selection Committee for the 2022 Certificate of Appreciation Award
Overseas Grave Decoration Trust Fund
International Amity Award
Any Other New Business
12. Reports from Departments
Alaska, France, Hawaii, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, China Post 1, Canadian posts
13. Closing Prayer Chaplain Terry Huisman
14. Adjournment President Hans Stockenberger