December 04, 2011

Michigan Post TALARC announcement

Ham Radio
Local News

There is now an American Legion Amateur Radio Club. It is open to all licensed amateurs who belong to the Legion, Auxiliary, ALR and SAL. Membership is free. The club station is located in the National Headquarters building of the American Legion in Indianapolis. For members who are not licensed amateurs and think that they might like to be, contact Jerry Hunt at the post or at and he will be glad to help you out. If there is enough interest, we can organize a one-day class and get licensed.

There is now an American Legion Amateur Radio Club. It is open to all licensed amateurs who belong to the Legion, Auxiliary, ALR and SAL. Membership is free. The club station is located in the National Headquarters building of the American Legion in Indianapolis. For members who are not licensed amateurs and think that they might like to be, contact Jerry Hunt at the post or at and he will be glad to help you out. If there is enough interest, we can organize a one-day class and get licensed.

The American Legion Amateur Radio Club is affiliated with the Department of Homeland Security in the promotion of disaster preparedness and response. For more information about the club, please contact

Newsletter from Peck American Legion Post 489
Peck, Mich.
Amateur Radio Club

  • Ham Radio